Listen to SUPERMODEL here Directors: Bedroom (@bedroom.projects)
Creative Director: Ben Chappell (@ben__chappell__)
Commissioner: Chris Acosta Production Company: COMPULSORY (@compulsoryview)
EP: Chris Toumazou
EP: Kiran Mandla (@kir.m_)
Producer: Henry Cristerna (@henry.cristerna)
Producer: Bobbie Notcutt (@bobsnotcutt)
Music Rep: Lee Fairweather (@lafairweather) Management: EXIT Music Management Record Label: Sony Music Italy Production Manager: Theo Hue Williams (@theohuewilliams)
DOP: Thomas Hole (@thomas_.hole)
AC: Justin McGillivray (@justinillusion)
Loader: James Tilyard (@jamestilyard)
Trainee: Cameron Sealby (@cameronsealby)
Steadicam: Richard Bellon (@richardbellon)
PA: Jack Siggs (@jacksiggs)
PA: James Robertson (@j.amesrobertson)
AD Jack Green (@jackgreenstudio)
2AD: Will Akbar (@willakbar)
3AD: Josh Barnes (@_josh_barnes)
AD Runner: Jessica Matthews (@jessixamatthews)
Production Runner: Louis Peppiatt (@peppiattpictures)
Production Runner: Richard Leimon (@iamlouisrichards)
Jib Op: Joe Finan (@thejibco)
Jib Tech: Matt McPherson (@matt.mcpherson)
Gaffer: James Duffy (@jamesduffy.gaffer)
Spark: Charlie Ring (@charlie.ring)
Spark: Alex Harrison (@charleshmori)
Spark: James Owens (@jamesowensowens)
Best Boy: Sam Crook (@samcrook_) Production Designer: Ash Halliburton (@ashkhalliburton)
Assistant Art Director: Georgia Westwood
Assistant Art Director: Harry Pearce (@harry_pearce_)
Art Assistant: Emelia Bocianowskae
Art Assistant: Molly Boyns (@mollyboyns)
Art Assistant: Rita Ade (@ritz_da_builder) Casting Director: Miriam Maslin (@miriamarabella)
Casting by: Revolt (@castingbyrevolt) Cast Stylist: Yasmine Sabri (@ysmnsabri)
Cast Styling Assistant: Javiera Imbert Cast Styling Assistant: Anna Sweasey (@annaswease.y)
Cast MUA: Dasha Taivas (@dashataivas)
Cast MUA Assistant: Tina Khatri (@tinakhatrimua)
Cast MUA Assistant: Sasha Chude (@chudesasha)
Cast Hair Stylist: Carlo Avena (@_carloavena)
Cast Hair Stylist Assistant: Endah Tche (@endahtche)
Cast Hair Stylist Assistant: Jenny Glynn (@rkidthemakeupartist)
Seamstress: Alisson Ozeray Band Hair Stylist: Luca Chirico (lucachirico_hmua)
Band Hair Stylist: Assist Sheree Angel Band Stylist: Anastasia Gutnyk (@gut9anastasiia)
Band MUA: Chantal Ciaffardini Band Photographer: Fabio Germinario Medic: Srinivasa Veerasamy
Covid Officer: Bethany Stapleton
Covid Assistant: Tasha Prince
Catering: Moretto’s (@morettos) Editor: Sam Allen (@samalleneditor)
VFX: We Are Covert (@we_are_covert)
Colorist: Megan Lee (@colourbymegwan)
Sound Design: Daniel Burch CAST:
Lead Model: Nina Marker (@ninamarker)
Chef One: Paul Kirkley
Chef Two: Kenny Smart
Model: Serena
Model: Aleena Klug (@aleenaklug)
Model: Bella Boscox (@bellakozlo)
Model: Lauryn Brown (@10dollarz)
Model: Scarlet Robinson (@scarletmayrobinson)
Model: Giulia Galiberti (@jewthecreator)
Model: Nathan Brown (@nathan.b77)
Model: Nooh Sali (nooh_ssali)
Model: Ibraheem Anwar (@ibraheemanwar)
Model: Tom Schulze (@kuad.01)
Model: Afonso Amil Peixto (@afonsopeixoto)
Model: Leah Asghar-Sandys (@leah_sandys)
Model: Arthur Comely (arthurjcomely)
Model: Cara B (@carabregazzi)
Model: Anna L
Model: Naran O (@nar_oyn)
Model: Jade Lauren (@jadelaur.n)
Model: Alejandro Ortiz Model: Darragh McCann
Model: Amelia McGarvey
Model: Lucy Geddis (@lucyisabelll)
Model: Geethika Matavalam (@geeth123)
Model: Daniel Downey (@adriansdreams)
Model: Bontle Nonkwelo (@thereal.bontle)
Model: Laurie Case (@_lauriecase_)
Source and credits: Youtube